Comments on: Lightroom Star Ratings: A Quick Guide Digital Photography Tips and Tutorials Wed, 17 May 2023 22:24:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Browne Wed, 27 Mar 2019 19:31:17 +0000 In reply to Ian Johnson.

thanks for the reply — when flagging; do you use the ~ key (top LHS corner win 10)?

By: Ian Johnson Sat, 23 Mar 2019 22:30:18 +0000 In reply to Ian Browne.

Hi Ian, yes, I also use X to reject photos and delete using what you’ve described. It depends on the complexity of the shoot! And GREAT tip on burst. I use it cautiously because I know I won’t want to look back through that many photos!

By: Ian Browne Mon, 18 Mar 2019 06:32:37 +0000 Hello; I gave up on the star way years ago. An image for me is out (X), in (~) or maybe (blank)
Maybes are moved [ likely never seen again ] to a “not flagged” folder.
Rejects (X) are deleted (Ctrl + Backspace) without a second look.. . All that is left in the “last import” folder are flagged files which are assist again . The best keep the flag and the others are unflagged and move to the “not flagged” folder.
Now that saves the worry of “is that a 2 star or a 3 star file — maybe 4 stars —– maybe — maybe —- why did I take so many photos??? I hate doing this and takes so long!!!

I seldom use burst mode for that very reason 😉

I use stars for a guide to editing done . Colour tags are used in similar ways. Purple = layers ; blue = shared online .
There was a time I use 1 star for in and x to delete while all other were likely never used . The reason being , Lr flags and not readable in other Apps while stars and colour tags can be .

Why 1 star or Flagged (~) you ask. It means you can do it all with a couple of fingers on the left hand while the right hand is busy on the arrow keys or quick edit sliders
(~ key) will flag; AND unflag files . I have no idea why ~ is never in many; or any Lightroom articles about sorting. I found it by accident and I’m not even sure if Adobe know about it.
BTW: I still Lr5 — yep I’m an old —- older bloke 😆

By: Ian Browne Mon, 18 Mar 2019 02:30:05 +0000 Sorry if this is the second one — something weird happened

Hello; I gave up on the star way years ago. An image for me is out (X), in (~) or maybe (blank)
Maybes are moved [ likely never seen again ] to a “not flagged” folder.
Rejects (X) are deleted (Ctrl + Backspace) without a second look.. . All that is left in the “last import” folder are flagged files which are assist again . The best keep the flag and the others are unflagged and move to the “not flagged” folder.
Now that saves the worry of “is that a 2 star or a 3 star file — maybe 4 stars —– maybe — maybe —- why did I take so many photos??? I hate doing this and takes so long!!!

I seldom use burst mode for that very reason 😉

I use stars for a guide to editing done . Colour tags are used in similar ways. Purple = layers ; blue = shared online .
There was a time I use 1 star for in and x to delete while all other were likely never used . The reason being , Lr flags and not readable in other Apps while stars and colour tags can be .

Why 1 star or Flagged (~) you ask. It means you can do it all with a couple of fingers on the left hand while the right hand is busy on the arrow keys or quick edit sliders
(~ key) will flag; AND unflag files . I have no idea why ~ is never in many; or any Lightroom articles about sorting. I found it by accident and I’m not even sure if Adobe know about it.
BTW I’m still using Lr5

By: Ian Johnson Thu, 14 Mar 2019 00:56:29 +0000 In reply to darryl3.

Hi Darryl, great tip! Thanks! Cheers,

By: Ian Johnson Thu, 14 Mar 2019 00:55:44 +0000 In reply to Russell.

Hi Russell, absolutely! Good point, yes, you need to make sure 0’s do not get deleted across the board. I make sure to be very careful that I’m working in the correct folder structure before filtering for deleting. Good tip to include auto advance! Cheers,

By: Russell Tue, 12 Mar 2019 18:31:16 +0000 I would avoid using 0 stars to indicate images for deletion – too easy to remove images that simply didn’t get a rating for whatever reason. I use 0 stars specifically to define images as “not yet assessed”. Then I don’t have to manage my workflows linearly – I can come back to a casual shoot after dealing with an important shoot.
Number keys for assigning ratings (esp combined with auto advance) is life-changing.
Which doesn’t say much about my life… 🙂

By: darryl3 Tue, 12 Mar 2019 14:23:37 +0000 I use a very similar workflow and it’s great. The one time-saving setting you need to enable is “Auto Advance” under the Photo menu when you are in Library mode. This will automatically select the next photo once you apply a star, color, or flag to the active one.

I also assign every photo 2 stars once they are imported and turn on filters to show photos rated 2 stars and up (I use a keyboard without a keypad and the 0 is not easily reachable with one hand). Then I begin culling/rating in Library mode (it is much more responsive than Develop mode for some reason) and hit the space bar if I need to zoom in quickly. 1=reject, 2=keep, 3+ =$$. This 1-2-3 system is easier than 1-0-2. With the rating filter on it’s easy to see how many you are keeping as you go.
